Quimper Bretagne Occidentale pursues an active policy of economic development, organising meetings centred on business and employment.
The objective: From conception to completion.
This essential event for project managers is an opportunity for anyone starting out (employees, job seekers, business leaders...) to meet experts in company creation or takeover, as well as supporting structures, banks, accountants, etc.
Hands-on workshops are also offered on various topics (market studies, financial planning, business status, participatory financing...).
Salon Explor’Emploi
To find a job, construct a professional project, develop skills or change career...
Explor’emploi - Explor’formation brings together business professionals (from smallest to the largest companies), training organisations (public and private) and institutional partners
For who?
Employees undergoing retraining or wishing to develop their careers by increasing their skill sets
Young graduates watching the employment market, or looking for their first job
www.exploremploi.fr (explore employment website)
Hôtel de Ville et d'Agglomération
44, place Saint-Corentin - CS 26004 - 29107 Quimper cedex
Director: Laurent Bruchon - Secretary: tel. 02 98 98 87 83 - economie@quimper.bzh