An area of innovation and research.
Quimper Bretagne Occidentale rallies the various participants, bringing together local initiatives. This ability to work together, encouraging initiatives and supporting innovation and research, is a real plus for the development of the area.
Highly specialised centres of innovation and technology
Adria Développement
Adria Développement: Agri-food experts, leaders in quality, food safety and innovative products and processes, offering services (research, innovation, training, advice...) to agribusinesses, agribusiness suppliers, distributors and related industries (packaging, cosmetics, diagnostic, etc.). It has international influence as the principal Breton centre for agri-foods.
ACT Food Bretagne: this is the name of a new federation which includes five centres of technological innovation (ADRIA, CEVA, IDmer, Vegenov and Zoopole development).
Breizpack: Innovative technology centre, packaging. Breizpack's research and industry interface is a network of 300 companies who provide skilled packaging for all types of materials, packaging machines and related services (design, customised packaging...).
This network is run by two dedicated packaging engineers, providing advice, supervision, training, project engineering...
National laboratory and research centres
Le Lubem: The University of Bretagne Occidentale research laboratory specialises in the study of biodiversity and ecology in microorganisms, principally in relation to food and health.
Labocéa, the largest French public laboratory. Undertaking public service and general interest missions in order to meet the needs of the State, local authorities, professionals and individuals.
It provides analyses in health, food, water and the environment, asbestos and environmental health, plant health and advice to the food and environmental sectors.
Labexia: subsidiary of Carso, leaders of analytical services in France. The Labexia Company provides services to meet the analytical needs of participants in the agri-food industry or retail sectors, performing checks on products as diverse as food, food supplements, pet food...
The Quimper Cornouaille technopole
Supporting innovative project managers from all sectors of activity
It also helps small to medium businesses wishing to develop an innovative project with :
° diagnostics
It is home to the western branch of Valorial, the food of tomorrow, a competitive centre of National standards.
It links to the activities of the Breton Atlantic Ocean division at a international level.
It is connected to MEITO (an association promoting the development of electronic, computer and telecommunications in Western France by organising all of the players in the sector) and CBB CapBiotek Brittany (technology centre specialising in the development of new ingredients through the implementation of chemical and biotechnological processes).
Site web
5,000 students in higher education
Quimper has nearly twenty higher education institutions and more than 50 training programmess. The conglomeration currently has almost 5,000 students.
There are two sites for the University of Bretagne Occidentale, each with more than 1,000 students:
And not forgetting the Asian centre, specialising in Chinese, Korean and Japanese taught in schools, degrees in English-Chinese and Masters Degrees at the ISUGA (Eurasian management institute)
There is a wide choice of courses: food processing, biology, arts, literature, languages, social science and humanities, commerce, management, logistics, tourism and heritage, leisure, medical and social science and technology, secretarial and office automation, teaching...
These full-time and work/study courses adhere closely to the needs of the companies in the area: agri-food, energy, building, hospitality, and tourism, tertiary, industry trades...
Hôtel de Ville et d'Agglomération
44, place Saint-Corentin - CS 26004 - 29107 Quimper cedex
Director: Laurent Bruchon - Secretary: tel. 02 98 98 87 83 -