Quimper Bretagne Occidentale has 14 business parks spread out over the metropolitan area. They aid the conglomerate in attracting new businesses to the area, and ensure development and solutions for those businesses already present.
The parks represent approximately 40 hectares of immediately available space, responding to the specific needs of each sector of activity (size, location, networks, services) and all types of projects; industrial, tertiary, artisanal or logistic. The individual land plots vary in size from 1,000 to 100,000 m².
To keep the area competitive and versatile, Quimper Bretagne Occidentale invests several hundred thousand Euros each year in the creation of new business parks, representing an important financial initiative for the metropolitan area.
Quimper Bretagne Occidentale commercialises an average of 8 hectares of land each year.
Hôtel de Ville et d'Agglomération
44, place Saint-Corentin - CS 26004 - 29107 Quimper cedex
Director: Laurent Bruchon - Secretary: tel. 02 98 98 87 83 - economie@quimper.bzh