Adria Développement : centre d’expertise agroalimentaire, leader en qualité, sécurité des aliments et innovation produits-procédés, propose des services (recherche, innovation, formations, conseils…) pour les industries agroalimentaires (IAA).
Quimper Bretagne Occidentale rallies the various participants, bringing together local initiatives. This ability to work together, encouraging initiatives and supporting innovation and research, is a real plus for the development of the area.
Inaugration du centre des congrès du Chapeau Rouge et portes ouvertes les 8 et 9 avril 2017 (16)
Organise your conference in Quimper! From business meetings to national congress, Quimper is the new up and coming convention and event destination.
9e édition du Printemps de Creach Gwen le 26 avril 2018 (20)
Close to the town centre , in a magnificent setting on the banks of the Odet, the Creac'h Gwen sport and leisure park occupies a naturally user-friendly space that is perfect for open air sports. It is also an area in which to relax, meet people and take family outings.
Quimper is particularly well equipped with 5,350 parking spaces, of which 2,600 are in free parking zones.
Quimper is particularly well equipped with 5,350 parking spaces, of which 2,600 are in free parking zones. There are 14 car parks and 4 parking zones in the town centre: the red zone (short stay/paid), the orange zone (medium stay/paid), a limited-time regulated parking zone (European disc) and the green zone (free parking).